Is the Internet the Future of Communication?

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The Internet, one of the modern scientific discoveries, has changed the mode of human life. It is widely used for various purposes. It can simply be defined as a means of connecting a computer to any other computers anywhere in the world via dedicated routers and servers. When two computers are connected over the Internet, they can send and receive all kinds of information.

The Internet has provided us with multiple advantages. For instance, it is a huge source of information because we can easily find information about anything we want to know on the Internet. There are numerous websites. Among such websites, Google is widely used by most of the Internet users. Because the Internet can be used as a store of knowledge, it can be used in teaching-learning programmes as well. Nowadays, we can find any e-books and journals which have made it economical for the readers to read directly the e-materials rather than the printed ones. Thus, the Internet has proved to be a great source of seeds of knowledge to cultivate ourselves.

Moreover, the Internet can be used for the purpose of business and the banking sector, too. We can find many online shopping websites, which are the forms of modern day businesses. In fact business through the Internet is very economical, as there is no need of shops and showrooms. The images of products are directly updated on the website. The interested customers check the products and their descriptions. Then they can order the goods they want and get these goods at their door. Not only this, the Internet has been useful to the banking sector, too. For example, banking transactions can be done through the Internet.

Furthermore, we can find vast usages of the Internet for various purposes as well. For instance, it has been a means of connecting people through various social networking sites such as the facebook, messengers like yahoo and g-mail, and applications like Skype, Viber, Whatsapp, etc. These facilities have made the task of communication tremendously easier, faster and cheaper then traditional ones.

Despite the wide range of usage and advantages, the Internet has some dark sides, too. Moreover, the Internet poses a great threat to information security because of the hacker's activities. In addition, some of the important e-books cannot be purchased by the students of under-developed countries due to their low purchasing capacity. The overuse of the Internet invites many health problems, such as eye problems, weight gain, back problems, etc. Similarly, some internet addicts are so engaged in the Internet that they even forget their necessary tasks. Thus, the Internet can be both overused and misused if not used properly.

The invention of the Internet has provided us with huge range of usages and advantages if used properly.

About the Author

Meet an author of Educational Link (Utsav Ghimire) a tech enthusiast, innovator and highly passionate student of science stream as I am exploring the wonders of technology which actually help for getting valuable and life changing knowledge and skil…
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