Letter to Editor Format with Samples

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A "Letter to the Editor" is a formal letter which you write to a newspaper/magazines to share your thoughts about something you read there or something happening in the community.

Table of Contents

Tips for Writing Letters to the Editor

• Address of the Writer and Date [ At the right or left top corner ]

• The Editor, Name of the Newspaper and Address [ On the left hand side ]

• Salutation to the Editor 

• Opening Paragraph : It should draw the attention of concerned people and disclose a burning problem as follows :

Through your esteemed daily, I want to inform the concerned authorities about....[ Problem] . I shall be obliged to you if you give it a little space in your paper.


I'd like to draw the attention of the public about.........[ Problem] through your popular newspaper. I'll be thankful to you for your kind consideration and publication of the letter.

• Main Body (Middle paragraphs): The problem mentioned in the opening paragraph is described in detail. For example, the causes of the problem, its effects and prediction about future events are discussed here.

• Closing Paragraph: It should reflect the writer's hope and some suggestion to the concerned 15 authorities as follows:

Thus, the problem is very serious. Some preventive measures must be taken before the situation gets worst. I hope the concerned authorities will take some immediate steps to check the problem.


Thus the aforementioned problem is great. The concerned authorities seem to be reluctant. I therefore, request them to step to overcome the problem.


The problem is epidemic. So, I request everyone to join hand in hand to root out the problem. Hope the concerned authorities will launch some preventive measures in time.

Examples of Letter to the Editor

To write a good letter to a newspaper, remember to keep it short because there's limited space. Make your point clear and simple. Share what you know if you're familiar with the topic. If you mention a problem, suggest a solution too.

Start your letter by saying which article you're talking about. Then, quickly share your thoughts on it. Use real-life examples or facts to explain your point. Finish your letter with a clear ending thought. Don't forget to add your name so they know it's from a real person.

Sample 1 : Write a letter to the editor of a reputed newspaper drawing the attention of the parents and concerned authority about growing problem of drug addiction among school children.
22th October 2023 

The Editor 

The Rising Nepal 


Subject : Growing Problem of drug addiction among School Children 

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Through your esteemed daily, I'd like to draw the attention of the parents and police authority about growing problem of drug addiction among school children. 

Drug addiction is a serious problem. It is increasing day by day. Teenagers have been the main victims. Mostly drug addiction is found in schoolboys. There are many causes of drug addiction. Children always like to imitate the adults. When they see the adults smoke, they do the same. Bad company is another reason. Children don't disobey their friends. If some friends ask them to taste drugs, they easily agree. Similarly, some teenagers feel that they are unloved and unwanted. So, they become pessimists and start taking drugs. 

Drug addiction has many bad effects. It makes people mentally dull. It is the cause of irritation, tiredness, infertility etc. some people may suffer from AIDS and Hepatitis B. in fact, they become very weak. Drugs are very expensive. The drug addicts can do any crimes for money. These days, school children have started pick pocketing. They may rob or kidnap and kill others. They are changing into thieves, robbers, criminals and smugglers. The drug addicts also commit suicide if they have no money. 

Drug addiction is a social problem. Today drug addiction has been a fashion. So, parents need to be vigilante. They should watch their children and their friends. The drug smugglers are freely walking around schools. They are using children in the supply of drugs. If the future pillars become drug addicts, what will happen? 

Thus, the problem is epidemic. So, I request everyone to join hand in hand to root out the problem. Hope the concerned authorities will launch some preventive measures in time. 

Yours faithfully, 

Utsav Ghimire 

Kawasoti, Bardaghat Susta purba (Nawalparasi)

About the Author

Meet an author of Educational Link (Utsav Ghimire) a tech enthusiast, innovator and highly passionate student of science stream as I am exploring the wonders of technology which actually help for getting valuable and life changing knowledge and skil…
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